Mental Health Information For Students
You might find yourself feeling worried about the spread of coronavirus and its impact on you and your loved ones. These feelings are normal and it’s important we acknowledge them and remind each other to look after our physical and mental health.
For more specific guidance on how to look after your mental health while staying at home see the websites below.
There are steps you can take to look after your mental health and wellbeing. A number of organizations have published guidance on mental health considerations relating to the coronavirus outbreak, including:
- Mind
- The Mental Health Foundation
- The World Health Organization
- Young Minds
Guidance for those with ongoing mental health difficulties
For some people, the coronavirus outbreak may trigger compulsive thoughts and unhelpful behaviors, particularly if you have per-existing conditions such as an anxiety disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If you are receiving support for you condition, you might find it helpful to talk to your clinician, therapist, or other medical professionals. There are also an increasing number of online resources available for you.
Various organizations have produced guidance for those who have existing mental health conditions.
Staying at home and your mental health
Currently, everybody in the UK is being asked to stay at home except for certain specific reasons. The prospect of not being able to leave your house much, if at all may be upsetting, and could impact your mental health. This is why it is important you take proactive steps to give yourself a sense of normality, maintain a routine, and do things you enjoy. Some examples of things you can do include:
- Stay in touch – keep in contact with your family and friends, you can still connect from a distance call your friend, have a video call catch up with your family or check in with someone on social media.
- Continue the things you enjoy– try reading that book you’ve been meaning to start, watch that new series or try a new skill.
- Get into a daily routine– you might find it helpful to plan out your time in advance and know what you are doing each day, so you have something to look forward to.
- Look after your personal environment– create a space that you are able to enjoy and feel comfortable in.
- Take a break from social media if you need to- if the updates are getting too much it is okay to take a step back.
- Check in with your university, students’ union and ISH Staff members – this will help you to understand any changes to your course and assessments, where you can go for support and institution specific updates.
International students

As an international student you may have lots of questions about what the Covid-19 pandemic means for you. For instance, you may be concerned about your visa status, attendance monitoring, your accommodation or what happens with your tuition fees.
We recommend that you keep in touch with you university, your students’ union, and Dr Bolton, who who will be able to provide assistance specific to your situation. This applies whether you have remained in the UK or returned to your home country.
Supporting your friends and family
During this time it is really important that we are all looking out for each other. Here are some things you can do to support your loved ones:
- Reach out- stay connected with people even if you can’t see each other in person send a text, make a call or be inventive online with your university community.
- Check in- ask how this affecting your friends and family and if there is anything you can do to help each other. Check in with those who might be at more of risk during this time to see if there is anything you can do to help.
- Stay informed- make sure you are following and sharing reliable information from trusted sources(NHS)
Be sure to familiarize yourself with ISH’s policies regarding misconduct, discrimination and violence and follow the guidance accordingly. You should be able to find guidance on where & how to report incidents and where & how to receive support on your university’s and Student’s Union’s websites too.